Tuesday, November 23, 2010


today I used: 13 // 20 // 22
rose earrings by brittany chavers (gift from Mom!)
With a blizzard coming in the afternoon (seriously!), I'm starting to wonder how I'm going to do these outdoor shots. I lasted maybe five minutes yesterday? Brrr!

So these pants may be a love them but they don't love me situation. They're rather baggy...but the color! Sigh. Time to try my hand at tailoring? I think so. Have any of you ever tailored pants? Share your knowledge with us! Please please. :)


  1. I am so not ready for winter, and I have a 12 hour snow tolerance that has run out :D I think I'll resort to indoor shots a lot!
    Have you seen those tutorials on turning pants into skinny jeans? You wear them inside out, pin them, then sew them, and cut of the extra. I've never tried it but it might work? Good luck!

  2. girl, those five minutes were worth it. you look fabulous with the windblown hair.

    and pants NEVER fit me right. they're always too long or too loose/tight whatever. i hope you get to tailor these <3

